Come & hear the stories of real lives transformed by Jesus

Can God forgive a terrorist?
Billy McCurrie was just 12 years old when his father was killed by the IRA. Consumed with anger, he joined the Ulster Volunteer Force and was soon after ordered to kill. Whilst serving a life sentence in the Maze prison he read the Bible one Christmas Eve and everything changed.
24 - 29 June 2025
Tues 24 June, 7:30 - 9pm
Supper served each evening
All free!

Is sport everything?
Where is God in suffering?
The man who had everything?
Brad Franklin was leading a church in London when Megan, his heavily pregnant wife was suddenly taken ill one Christmas. Expecting their 7th child, she was admitted to hospital and lost consciousness. Their baby was delivered by emergency caesarean section but a little over a week later, Megan died.
Vinny Commons grew up in a Catholic family with his 11 siblings. He loved football and eventually getting trials with Manchester City. But having had a friend who died suddenly and 2 sisters becoming Christians, Vinny wanted to find eternal life. Since then Vinny has worked as a football coach, potter and regularly tells people about his faith in Jesus.
Piyush grew up in a Hindu family in Kenya and did not go to school until he was 13. Despite this he is now a surgeon in the ENT department at Addenbrookes hospital, where he specialises in head and neck cancer. Having thought he had achieved everything, Piyush soon found that there was more to life than success.
Weds 25 June, 7:30 - 9pm
Thurs 26 June, 7:30 - 9pm
Fri 27 June, 7:30 - 9pm

What is love?

Many paths to God?
Pat Norbury grew up in the valleys of South Wales. She was adopted when she was a few days old. She had wonderful parents who loved her and cared deeply for her. However, growing up, she found she still had so many questions. Much later in life she began her search for her birth mother and father, but it was far from straightforward...
Pam was born in West Yorkshire and moved to Warwick when she was 10. She grew up in a Sikh family and took part in many of the customs and practices until her sister became a Christian. This caused her to begin to explore her faith and to question whether God really did exist and if all paths would lead to Him.
Sat 28 June, 7:30 - 9pm
Sun 29 June, 6 - 7:30pm

Each evening, our guest speaker, Stuart Davis will be interviewing our special guests from many different backgrounds, finding out about their faith in Jesus. Stuart will also be explaining the relevance of the Christian faith today.
Stuart didn’t have a religious upbringing but after questioning ‘what life was about’ he became a Christian in his early twenties. At this time, he was working in Swindon as a Mercedes Mechanic. Several years on, married to Anna and now with two children, they moved to Wandsworth where he has been a minister for the last 25 years. Stuart’s weeks involve getting alongside people in the church, local schools, the community, and the local prison, all with the joy of speaking about Jesus and His love for them.
Stuart loves walking, watching football, playing golf and enjoying his five adult children and precious grandchildren.